Monday, July 31, 2006


My friend Mark wrote a book on intimacy called RelationDancing: Consciously Creating What You Really Want in Your Relating. The book includes a section about Mark's Game For Intimacy, which was an amazing gift for me when I first learned of it.

RelationDancing describes a method of relating that makes intimacy and connection between people possible at deeper levels than perhpas ever before. By designing a conscious and sacred Game For Intimacy, we can create a safe space in which to passionately share our deepest truths with our partner. We can know our partner and be known by them, opening the door wide open for two souls meeting in the space of love. This experience of Soul2Soul opens new possibilities for friendships, partnerships, and community. For a sample chapter on a Game For Intimacy, go here.

I love Mark's work and what he creates in the world and I recommend this book to anyone struggling to find a rational way to deal with emotional challenges in relating.

Friday, July 28, 2006

think13 and the 13 monkeys

My friends did a show over at Xenodrome, this cool indoor performance space.

Two of my students, Unispark and Sanne, as well as my dance partner Hunter, were part of the show as members of the 13 monkeys troupe. I was really glad to go see them all rock out to the music of think13 at this fun show. Congratulations to everyone involved on a great premier.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

I Love My Body Right Now!

The marketing for the class is so good, I'll quote from that.

Over the years I have seen some very beautiful people -- men and women alike -- judge their bodies harshly and from a place which often lacks self love. Having struggled on my own journey in this domain for the past 15 years, I realize it is not always easy to accept ones self. As a clinically obese woman, I am often surprised to find I love my body more than some woman who are a size 8. I was recently inspired when one of my closest friends -- a very hot woman -- confided in me how much she hated parts of her body. Saddened by this interaction and inspired to help people make a change, I designed this course based on my own journey and the coaching I was able to offer her (and many others through the years) to help her work with her body and begin to love it as it is. If you have ever said, "I hate my !" and never want to say that again, I invite you to join me for this class.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I was happy to help Addrianna celebrate her birthday yesterday, and happier still to celebrate the Guardian's Best of the Bay Reader's Choice award for Best Dance Studio. I am truly honored to have received this vote, though I credit the mailing lists I am on and people's willingness to click the button on line from my email. Thanks for giving me something else to celebrate!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Healing Through Touch

I couldn't understand why anyone would get a massage when someone first suggested it to me back in 98. Of course, at the time, I wasn't very comfortable with my body and I didn't have nearly the flexibility and ease of movement I have now available to me.

I'm sure there is a relationship between the two.

I've been blessed with having received massage from many therapists over the years, having come to realize massage brings a vast riches of gifts (including increased flexibility and blood flow; less tension in the muscles; increased flexibility; faster recuperation time; healing traumas, to name a few benefits) to me. In all the years, at all the spas and with all the private therapists I've tried, I'm really grateful to go to my current therapist who is (sadly for me and happily for him) moving to Japan at the end of the year. Spencer Douglas is amazing at his work and continues to grow in his practice and ability to offer high quality, effective massages. Contact me if you want to experience him before you go and I'll give you his contact info.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

What is important about a Practice? Part II

I like how Goenka conveys this in his silent mediation retreats. I think I finally got it when I was a few days into the retreat, realizing that it is completely natural and okay for the mind to wander from the practice as long as we remember to always start again.

I also enjoyed playing with the sparkling circle theme on my shirt and matching it on my face. The picture doesn't convey the color shifts with nearly the vibrance you could appreciate in person. In another photo that Charles Russo took, it almost looks like sweat. This picture is of me fire dancing with a hoop.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Aaron and I watched the movie Serenity again. This time I had a really powerful experience. [SPOILER] When Wash dies and his last words, after having landing the ship when death seemed very likely, were something like: "I am a leaf on the wind."

I imagine if I were to die in a moment when I thought I was a leaf on the wind and I'd just saved my friends lives, I would be a very happy and peaceful person. The first time I watched the movie I got so sad. The second time, I though it was the most powerful and noble of deaths possible.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Some things are worth Repeating

Like the Flowology Mindset(TM) summed up here in this comic book page.

Even cooler is the amazing photo by Charles Russo who came by to take a photo for the Guardian. I hope this means all the positive vibes from my students after my email about a Best of the Bay Reader's Choice award might lead to a Best of the Bay award!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Reader's Choice

I asked Aaron what word to put on my head today. When he suggested focus, it resonanted with my current climate of need to focus on all things Temple related to complete multiple projects, including the soon to be available Temple of Poi 2006 Fire Dancing Expo DVD.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Follow your Bliss

I continue to be amazed by the cycles of life and how it is things can shift as they do. This time last year, my life was anything but bliss, though I can recall saying how I was clear what I was going through at the time would create amazing opportunities for me later. So it has, and now my bliss has followed. I am grateful.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Oh Little Play Mate!

It is much fun having a play mate to have fun with. Thank you my sweetlove!

Friday, July 07, 2006

What is important about a Practice?

I began working on the Cultivate workshop. In working on the materials, the idea of a practice is dominating my thoughts.

The most important thing about a practice is actually doing the practice... no matter how infrequently as long as there is improvement through time. Or, as Martha Graham puts it:

“Practice means to perform, over and over again in the face of all obstacles, some act of vision, of faith, of desire. Practice is a means of inviting the perfection desired.”

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Yeah, man...

It's always fun to hang out with Noel because he is always working on something cool with some tool. In case you don't know him, here's a video of him. It's from January so he's way improved since then.

Anyway, Noel came over and taught me the secret to contact juggling. "All you do is... chill." After playing with the idea of just relaxing my muscles, I noticed significant improvement in my balance points and windshield washer. It makes sense to me -- I'm always flowing the most when I'm the most at ease and relaxed... and feeling chill.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Alison came over today and we started talking about Pilates -- she is an instructor and I recently started a practice. I began explaining how the pilates had been helping my poi and suggested she start teaching a pilates for poi class which she affectionately renamed, "Poilates!"

Temple of Poi will begin offering Poilates classes in Fall, 2006.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


I am thankful to live in this amazing country. I do not believe I could have started a fire dancing school with such success anywhere else in the world and I'm so grateful to live where this is possible.

I celebrate the independence of this country today because it was our founding forefathers who made my life possible today.