Sunday, May 21, 2006


I emailed my good friend Mark Lewis the pictures of the makeup from the Fire Arts Exposition from yesterday and we got into a great discussion about using this experience as a way to market my ideas. He asked me to consider how I might represent my work in symbols on my head.

At the same time I've been working on a portfolio of makeup I've done for myself because Tamale suggested I start tracking that. In addition, I've been looking for a new non-flowtoy related creative activity to play around with. Top that all off with Mark's other suggestion for me to consider journaling, and voila! This blog was born.

While this first image on my head doesn't show up particularly well in the makeup style that I used here -- lip crayon with light glitter on top -- it was a learning experience (information for course correction, as it were) from which I have moved forward to create more visible art on my head. The word itself -- Flowology™ -- has to be credited to my former coach and dear friend, Jason McClain who said it one day when I was describing what I do with my students which is far more powerful than the actual moves we teach at Temple of Poi.

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